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What factors affect the output of sand making machine

Time: 2023-09-26 10:48:38

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As the demand for artificial sand and gravel increases, increasing the sand output of sand making machines has become a focus of sand making machine users. What factors affect the output of sand making machine?
sand making machine
sand making machine

1. Hardness of material

The hardness of the material is one of the main factors affecting the output of the sand making machine. The harder the material, the more difficult it is to process, and the wear and tear on the equipment will be serious, resulting in a slower sand making speed. Therefore, it is very important to choose a sand making machine suitable for the hardness of the material being processed.

2. Material viscosity

Materials with higher viscosity tend to adhere to the inner wall of the sand making machine during processing. If it is not cleaned in time, it will seriously affect the output and efficiency of the sand making machine. Therefore, for materials with higher viscosity, we need to clean the inner wall of the sand making machine regularly to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

3. Humidity of material

If the water content of the processed materials is too high, the output of the sand making machine will be reduced. Therefore, the water content of the material needs to be checked before processing and controlled within an appropriate range to ensure the normal operation of the sand making machine.

4. Quality and model of sand making machine

Different types of sand making machines have different characteristics such as sand production volume, energy consumption, efficiency, and dust volume. Therefore, it is very important to choose a sand making machine that suits you. High-quality sand making machines are not only energy-saving and environmentally friendly, but also can easily achieve the sand production expected by users. In addition, sand making machines produced by professional manufacturers have more reliable quality, better wear resistance and longer life.

5. Operation and maintenance of sand making machine

The operation and maintenance of the sand making machine will also affect the sand production of the equipment to a certain extent. Regular maintenance of the sand making machine can effectively increase production and extend the service life of the equipment. Maintenance work includes lubrication, cleaning, inspection of equipment components, etc.

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