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Cause Analysis of Unstable Operation of Cone Crusher

Time: 2023-07-25 10:24:00

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As the backbone of the medium-hard material crushing field, the cone crusher has a wide range of applications and a high frequency of use. In the production process, we often encounter the problem of unstable operation, such as: the phenomenon of unstable high-speed operation, so that users have to stop for maintenance. So what are the reasons for the unstable operation of the cone crusher?
cone crusher

cone crusher

1. Uneven oil supply

Uneven oil supply is one of the reasons for the unstable operation of the cone crusher. When the speed of the equipment reaches a high speed, the centrifugal force of the fly block of the regulator is too large. The oil supply gear rod can be moved in the direction of oil reduction by pushing the tension rod. The oil supply position and the low-speed oil supply position should be balanced.

2. Inconsistent oil cut-off time

When the cone crusher reaches the oil stop speed, the fuel injection pump will automatically cut off the oil, resulting in uneven quality of the plunger and oil outlet valve components. If there is a small amount of oil supply in the cylinder or the oil cut off is slow, it will cause the equipment to run unstable.

3. Unreasonable operation

When the cone crusher is running at high speed, the operation is unreasonable, for example: the feeding equipment increases, or the material properties change, the machine is not adjusted, and the production process will appear fast and slow, resulting in unstable operation of the equipment. The operator should stop the cone crusher immediately and check it, and make relevant adjustments.

4. Is the speed adjustment reasonable?

If the high-speed operation is unstable, it will lead to high-speed instability under load. Reasonable speed regulation is the standard that affects performance & inferiority. To maintain the stability of the equipment speed, the operator needs to adjust according to the load change and the speed of the diesel engine to make the engine more stable. Under normal circumstances, the speed regulation should be controlled at less than 10% as much as possible, and the generator should be less than 5%.

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