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Analysis of the reasons why the European Type Jaw Crusher does not unload

Time: 2023-05-06 10:17:42

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Analyzing the production process of the European Type Jaw Crusher, it is found that the phenomenon of non-feeding is mainly related to the material condition. Sometimes, it will cause the phenomenon of not cutting the material. The impact of these three aspects on the production of the European Type Jaw Crusher has the following three aspects.
European Type Jaw Crusher

1. The humidity of the feed material is relatively high. This situation mainly refers to the fact that the moisture content of the material is relatively high, or when the material is mixed with mud, etc., it will cause the European Type Jaw Crusher to jam the material. This phenomenon makes Minerals cannot be produced smoothly, resulting in the phenomenon that the crushed materials are blocked in the cavity and cannot be discharged.

2. The feeding speed is fast. Since the processing capacity of different types of European Type Jaw Crusher equipment is limited, in production, when all parameters are set, if the feeding speed is set faster, then the equipment will be lowered. There is too much material accumulated in the cavity, which blocks the discharge port, and then the phenomenon of no discharge occurs.

3. The feed contains foreign matter such as iron blocks. When the European Type Jaw Crusher is running normally, if the raw materials are not picked out when the raw materials are added, such as iron blocks and other unbreakable raw materials, it will cause damage to the jaws of the equipment. A certain amount of damage will affect the cutting situation.

According to the above analysis of the reasons why the European Type Jaw Crusher does not discharge, in order to solve this problem, it is necessary to strictly control the nature of the material or the composition of the material, and put the material with high humidity or The foreign matter contained in it should be removed before feeding, and the speed of feeding should be ensured to be continuous and uniform and the speed should not be too fast or too slow, so that the European Type Jaw Crusher can carry out the crushing work smoothly.

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