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What are the functions of the spring of the impact crusher?

Time: 2024-11-22 10:01:23

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The spring of the impact crusher is an elastic element. Due to the elasticity and structural characteristics of the material, it can repeatedly make corresponding elastic deformations with the size of the external load, and can immediately return to its original state after unloading. So what are the functions of the spring of the impact crusher?
Impact Crusher

Impact Crusher

1. Vibration reduction and buffering: The spring of the impact crusher has the function of vibration reduction and buffering, which can reduce the shaking of the crusher, thereby protecting the key components of the machine, such as bearings, gears, etc., and avoid damage caused by overload.

2. Storage and output of energy: The spring can store and output energy, adjust the output energy of the impact crusher, so as to achieve precise control of the particle size of the crushed material, improve product quality and reduce production costs.

3. Control movement: The spring also plays a role in controlling movement in the crusher, such as controlling the closing of the spring door, the spring on the clutch and the brake, etc., to ensure the stable operation of the machine.

4. Protect the machine: The spring device can absorb the impact force, protect the parts of the crusher from the impact of severe impact, and extend the service life and maintenance cost of the machine.

5. Improve safety performance: When encountering abnormal situations, the spring device will automatically release the stored energy, allowing the crusher to quickly return to a stable state, avoiding serious accidents and ensuring production safety.

6. Reduce noise and vibration: The spring device can efficiently buffer the vibration generated by the crusher during operation, reduce noise, improve the working environment, and improve the comfort and production efficiency of workers.

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