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What are the reasons for cone crusher jamming?

Time: 2024-05-31 10:12:42

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Cone crusher has the characteristics of large crushing ratio, high efficiency, high processing capacity, low operating cost, convenient adjustment and economic use. It is widely used in mining, metallurgy, building materials, road construction, chemical and silicate industries, and is suitable for various ores and rocks with medium and above hardness. However, during use, the cone crusher suddenly jams, which not only affects production efficiency, but also reduces the service life of equipment and components. So, what are the reasons for cone crusher jamming?
Cone crusher
Cone crusher

1. Blockage and jamming:

The cone crusher is fed too much or the feed properties do not meet the requirements, which causes the cone crusher to jam, which will make the crusher's working current too large, the circuit automatically protects and stops the machine, and even the cone crusher may be jammed and forced to stop.

When iron blocks or other unbreakable objects enter the crushing chamber of the cone crusher, it will also cause the cone crusher to jam or even the equipment to jam.

2. Spindle breakage and jamming:

Improper use of cone crusher is one of the main causes of spindle breakage. In order to achieve the required discharge fineness, the discharge port needs to be continuously tightened. If unbreakable objects enter the crushing chamber,

When the cone crusher is in a state of overload operation for a long time, although there is an overload protection device, it cannot completely avoid damage to the equipment. The spindle is prone to breakage and the equipment is jammed.

3. Moving cone and adjustment sleeve jamming:

When the cone crusher is running under load, the locking fails due to the loss of pressure in the hydraulic station, and the adjustment sleeve will rotate with the moving cone. If the staff does not find and deal with it in time, it will cause the adjustment sleeve to jam, resulting in the shutdown of the cone crusher.

The reasons for the jamming of the adjustment sleeve may also be poor thread lubrication, wear of the adjustment cap seal or dust cover seal, abrasion of the adjustment sleeve and support sleeve threads, or long-term overload operation of the cone crusher.

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