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What should you pay attention to when starting the vertical shaft impact crusher?

Time: 2024-01-24 10:02:58

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Vertical shaft impact crusher is a common crusher equipment, widely used in various construction, water conservancy, highways, railways and other industries. The installation and start-up of vertical shaft impact crusher are very important for the normal operation of the equipment, so in vertical shaft impact crusher What are the precautions for starting and operating the crusher?
Vertical shaft impact crusher
Vertical shaft impact crusher

1. Make sure that the power supply of the vertical shaft impact crusher is connected and working normally, and the voltage is stable.

2. Check whether there is any foreign matter in the crushing cavity. If so, please remove it immediately.

3. Confirm whether all components of the vertical shaft impact crusher are firmly installed and whether the screws are tightened.

4. Check the tightness of the drive belt to ensure that it is properly tightened.

5. Before starting, please ensure that all protective devices are in place, such as protective covers, switches, etc.

6. According to the requirements of the operation manual, gradually start the crusher and observe its operation. If there is any abnormality, please stop operation immediately and conduct inspection.

7. During the operation of the vertical shaft impact crusher, always pay attention to the material conditions in the crushing chamber to avoid overloading.

8. During operation, it is strictly prohibited to extend your hands or other body parts into the crusher to avoid injury.

9. Perform regular maintenance on the vertical shaft impact crusher to keep it in good working condition.

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