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What are the causes of wear of cone crusher parts?

Time: 2023-10-18 11:06:16

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Due to the particularity of its production work, the cone crusher wears very obviously. When the equipment parts wear out quickly and are seriously damaged, it will seriously affect the entire production process and significantly reduce the production efficiency of the production line. The wear of cone crusher is mainly divided into the following two aspects.
cone crusher
cone crusher

1. Natural wear and tear

Usually refers to the changes in the geometric shape and size structure of the equipment parts caused by the mutual friction between the various parts of the machine during the normal use and operation of the machine. This part usually wears slowly and the damage will not be caused in the short term.

However, due to the wear and tear of the components, the mechanical contact gap between the components will increase. After a long period of wear and tear, the components that should be combined together to work together will increase the gap due to wear and tear, and cannot be combined well. , which will seriously affect the production efficiency of the cone crusher equipment. At the same time, if the worn parts cannot be replaced in time, in serious cases, it may even cause damage to other components, causing greater destructive damage to the cone crusher equipment.

2. Premature wear

Mainly due to the unreasonable structure of the machinery itself, the poor quality of materials used in individual parts, the substandard manufacturing quality of some parts, incorrect installation, and wrong equipment operation, etc. The damage is caused.

Cone crushers are heavy industrial equipment, and the losses caused by wear during use are relatively large. Therefore, during the use of the cone crusher, we need to perform good maintenance and replacement of various wearable parts in a timely manner. 

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