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Analysis on the Causes of Sealing Failure of the Jaw Crusher

Time: 2023-07-18 10:27:38

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The jaw crusher generates a large amount of dust during the production process, so the sealing device is very important. However, in long-term crushing production, sometimes sealing failure occurs. So, what are the reasons for the seal failure of the jaw crusher?
Jaw crusher

Jaw crusher

1. Improper installation

If we do not pay attention to the correct operating methods or apply uneven force when installing, repairing, or replacing the sealing components of the jaw crusher, it is likely to cause local deformation of the sealing components of the jaw crusher, leading to equipment sealing failure.

2. Poor lubrication

Due to the harsh working environment of the jaw crusher, ore dust particles are easy to enter the friction area. At the same time, during long-term high-temperature operation, the properties of the lubricating oil change, which is also one of the reasons for the local resistance increase and deformation of the sealing element, leading to failure.

3. Severe wear of seals

With the extension of the operating time of the jaw crusher, if the gap between the components becomes smaller, it will increase the degree of wear of the sealing components under compression. Alternatively, when we replace worn components, if the replacement cycle of the seal and the wear cycle of the friction machine are not consistent, and the degree of wear and tear between the two will increase the sealing pressure of the rubber seal ring, ultimately leading to the failure of the jaw crusher seal.

4. Aging of seals

The rubber seal of the jaw crusher seal is affected by the oil quality and temperature during long-term use. If we choose the wrong material for the seal ring at this time, it will lead to premature aging, causing the seal ring to lose its elasticity and change the sealing state, thereby causing the seal of the jaw crusher to fail.

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