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What is the function of spring cone crusher spring?

Time: 2023-01-30 16:21:58

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  The reason why the spring cone crusher is favored is because of the "spring over-iron protection device", so how to solve the spring problem?

  When the material enters the spring cone crusher, if it enters the unbreakable material, the crushing force will increase, and at the same time, the pressure of the thrust plate of the spring cone crusher acting on the working hydraulic cylinder is greater than the thrust provided by the hydraulic cylinder. When working When the oil pressure in the hydraulic cylinder rises instantaneously, the system will leak oil to protect the spring cone crusher.

  The spring function of the spring cone crusher is to ensure that the equipment will not be damaged when entering the unbreakable material, so the pressure of the spring is compatible with the crushing force of the cone crusher. The spring does not move when the spring crusher is in normal operation. Only when the crushing cavity falls into unbreakable objects, the equipment will be lifted when the equipment is loaded, and the spring of the support sleeve will be compressed.

  The locking spring of the spring cone crusher is a device that can cause normal crushing force, and can also protect the safety device from being damaged when encountering unbreakable materials. Therefore, the tightness of the spring and the height after compression should be in accordance with the specifications specified in the manual. Adjust within the range, and each set of spring tension should be adjusted to a consistent degree.

  If the tightness of the spring has met the installation requirements, but the support sleeve still jumps frequently, then the reason needs to be found, and the solution cannot be solved by re-tightening the spring casually, because the spring is excessively compressed, and the safe compression process of the spring will be delayed. Will be reduced, while increasing the load on the parts.

  If the spring has normal tightness, but the support sleeve is still beating frequently, then this situation is caused by many reasons, such as unbreakable materials entering the machine, uneven feeding will cause excessive material, and the discharge port If it is too small, it can cause blockage of the ore discharge port, so you need to pay attention to this situation.

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