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How To Repair Cone Crusher Bearing Damage ?

Time: 2023-02-10 16:47:18

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Cone crusher is able to rotate, in addition to the outer motor drives , the main parts is the bearing, the bearing can not only make the equipment rotates under the driving of the motor, but also can reduce the friction and improve the crusher work efficiency, is the main component of a device. So, if the bearing is damaged, how can we fix it?

Repair of the cone crusher bearing spherical surface is relatively simple, do not need too much work to complete the repair. On the spherical surface processing should be pre prepare the checking model, spherical radius of sphere radius is slightly smaller than the cone body is arranged on the can, after spotting. The same cone crusher spherical bearing lower conical surface wear after processing, geometric accuracy must use templates to proofread a spherical bearing in the repair process should be consistent with the requirements of table 6-9.

Cone crusher is a very good and can be used for crusher equipment processing usually all kinds of rocks and minerals, in daily use must pay attention to the maintenance of good equipment, do find out and solve the problem, so that the equipment can work better.

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