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What happened if the sand making machine suddenly stopped?

Time: 2023-11-01 10:00:52

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As an important equipment for the production of machine-made sand, the sand making machine will inevitably encounter various problems during production. If it cannot be solved in time, production will be delayed and efficiency will be affected.
sand making machine
sand making machine

cause of issue:

1. The material in the crushing cavity is blocked;

2. The triangle belt is too loose;

3. The working voltage is inappropriate and too low;

4. Internal parts fall off;

5. The impeller is stuck;

6. The bearing is locked or the spindle is broken;

7. There is a problem with the equipment connection line, breakage or poor contact.


1. Shut down the machine, clean the materials, prohibit large particle size or high moisture content materials from entering the machine, feed the materials evenly, and avoid excessive feeding;

2. Adjust the tightness of the triangle belt;

3. Select the voltage to meet the equipment requirements;

4. Carry out internal inspection of the equipment;

5. Strictly control the hardness of materials and prohibit non-crushed materials from entering;

6. Repair or replace the worn spindle;

7. Check the connecting cable and repair it.

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